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Wednesday, 29 February 2012

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Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behaviour by Michael W. Passer, Ronald E Smith, Nigel Holt, Andy Bremner, Ed Sutherland, Michael Vliek
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Higher Education 2009 | ISBN: 0077118367 | PDF | 1036 pages | 396 MB

Michael W. Passer coordinates the introductory psychology program at the University of Washington, which enrolls more than 3,000 students per year. He received his Bachelors degree from the University of Rochester, his Ph.D. from UCLA in social psychology, and has been a faculty member at the University of Washington since 1977. A former Danforth Foundation Fellow and U.W. Distinguished Teaching Award finalist, Dr. Passer has had a career-long love of teaching. He teaches introductory psychology twice yearly and also has taught courses in research methods, social psychology, industrial-organizational psychology, and attribution theory. Dr. Passer developed and annually offers a graduate course on Teaching of Psychology, which prepares students for their careers in the college classroom. He has published over 20 scientific articles and chapters, primarily in the areas of attribution, stress, and anxiety.
Ronald E. Smith is Professor of Psychology at the University of Washington, where he has served as Director of Clinical Psychology Training and as Head of the Social Psychology and Personality area. He received his Bachelors degree from Marquette University and his Ph.D. from Southern Illinois University. Dr. Smith has held faculty positions at Purdue University and at Washington, as well as visiting appointments at Marquette University, the University of Hawaii, the University of New Mexico, and UCLA. His major research interests are in personality, stress and coping, and in performance enhancement research and intervention. Dr. Smith is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association and a Past President of the Association for the Advancement of Applied Sport Psychology. He has published more than 100 scientific articles and book chapters in his areas of interest and has authored or co-authored 19 books on introductory psychology, stress and stress management, sport psychology, and human performance enhancement.

Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behaviour imparts students with a scientific understanding of the field of psychology whilst also showing them the impact on their day-to-day existence. A simple conceptual framework within the text emphasizes relations between biological, psychological, and environmental levels of analysis and portrays the focus of modern psychology. Together with Research Close-Ups in each chapter; Beneath the Surface discussions and What Do You Think? questions, the text challenges students to think critically about psychology as a science and its impact on their lives.

Levels of Analysis: The books basic LOA framework emphasises how psychologists carefully study behaviour from diverse angles, and reinforces the core concept that behaviour typically has multiple causes.

Research Close-Ups: In each chapter, this feature uses a scientific-journal format to provide students with an inside look at a research study

Beneath the Surface discussions and What Do You Think? exercises

European and international research and examples, drawn from both classic and contemporary studies
Expanded chapters on genes and neuroscience, cognitive and social development and social psychology

Chapter 1. The Science of Psychology
Chapter 2. Studying Behaviour Scientifically
Chapter 3 Genes, Environment, and Behavior
Chapter 4 The Brain and Behavior
Chapter 5. Sensation and Perception
Chapter 6. States of Consciousness
Chapter 7. Learning and Adaptation
Chapter 8. Memory
Chapter 9. Language and Thinking
Chapter 10. Intelligence and Individual Differences
Chapter 11. Motivation and Emotion
Chapter 12. Cognitive Development
Chapter 13. Social Development
Chapter 14. Social Psychology
Chapter 15. Personality
Chapter 16. Health Psychology: Stress, Adjustment and Coping
Chapter 17. Psychological Disorders
Chapter 18. Treatment of Psychological Disorders



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