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Tuesday, 28 February 2012

PostHeaderIcon A small library of ZEN Buddhism

A small library of ZEN Buddhism
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Albert Low - The Butterfly's Dream_In Search of the Roots of Zen (html pages)
Austin, James H. - Selfless Insight_Zen and the Meditative Transformations of Consciousness
Austin, James H. - Zen and the Brain_Toward an Understanding of Meditation and Consciousness
Austin, James H. - Zen-Brain Reflections_Reviewing Recent Developments in Meditation and States of Consciousness
Baroni, Helen Josephine - Iron eyes the life and teachings of Obaku Zen master Tetsugen Doko
Besserman Perle, Manfred Steger - Crazy Clouds_Zen radicals, rebels, and reformers
Blofeld, John - The Zen Teaching of Huang Po on the Transmission of the Mind
Broughton, Jeffrey L. - The Bodhidharma Anthology_The Earliest Records of Zen (html pages)
Deshimaru Roshi - Questions and Answers
Dogen - Shobogenzo
Empty Cloud, The Teachings Of Zen Master Xu Yun
Great Fool Zen Master Ryokan_Poems, Letters, and Other Writings (djvu pages)
Heine, Steven & Dale S. Wright - The Koan_Texts and Contexts in Zen Buddhism
Heine, Steven & Wright, Dale S. - Zen Classics_Formative Texts in the History of Zen Buddhism
Heine, Steven & Wright, Dale S. - Zen masters
Hoffman Yoel - Radical Zen_The Sayings of Joshu
John Daido Loori - Moral and Ethical Teachings of Zen Buddhism (html pages)
Jorn Borup - Japanese Rinzai Zen Buddhism
Kapleau, Philip - The Three Pillars of Zen_Teaching, Practice, Entlightenment
Kasulis, Thomas P. - Zen Action_Zen Person (html pages)
Leggett, Trevor- Samurai Zen_The Warrior Koan (html pages)
Looei John Daido - Mountain Record of Zen Talks (html pages)
McRae, John - Seeing through Zen_Encounter, Transformation, and Genealogy in Chinese Chan Buddhism
McRae, John - The Platforma Sutra of the Sixth Patriarc
Morten Schlütter - How Zen Became Zen_The Dispute over Enlightenment and the Formation of Chan Buddhism in Song-Dynasty China
Nan Huai-Chin - The Story of Chinese Zen (html pages)
Ray Grigg - The Tao of Zen (html pages)
Sachiko Kaneko - Zen Sanctuary of Purple Robes_Japan’s Tokeiji Convent Since 1285
Shunryu Suzuki - Branching streams flow in the darkness_Zen talks on the Sandokai
Shunryu Suzuki - Zen mind, beginner's mind
Stambaugh, Joan - Impermanence is Buddha-nature_Dogen's understanding of temporality
Stone, Jacqueline I. and Mariko Namba Walter (ed) - Death and the afterlife in Japanese Buddhism
Taigen Dan Leighton - Visions of Awakening; Space and Time; Dogen and the Lotus Sutra
Takuan Soho - The Unfettered Mind
The Zen Teaching of Rinzai translated from Chinese by Irmgard Schloegl
Wright, Dale S. - Philosophical Meditations On Zen Buddhism (html pages)
Zen Lessons_The Art of Leadership (translated by Thomas Cleary)
Zen Master Dae Gak - Going Beyond Buddha_The Awakening Practice of Listening (html pages)



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